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发表于 2008-7-3 15:43:55 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
<p>西部高地白梗和苏格兰、凯安、短脚长身梗种是同一个祖先。是用来捕获水獭、狐狸、老鼠的狗。19世纪时,与亚盖尔州波塔洛克周围的白毛犬进行配种,改良而成了目前众所周知的相貌。这种狗在被誉为西部仔之前,曾被称为波塔洛克梗。西部高地白梗在旦巴顿郡地域上被称为罗兹尼丝梗,其领地是著名饲养者亚盖尔公爵的。 <br />&nbsp; &nbsp; 尽管西高地白梗的起源被神秘所笼罩着,并且有些资料因为时间的久远而丢失掉了,但仍旧有充足证据表明这个狗种已经有几百年的历史了。现存的手写资料和图画说明这种狗的历史最远都可以追溯到17世纪。这些资料都是这么说的,詹姆斯一世(1566-1525)曾要求阿盖尔郡(Argyllshire)提供6只小型白色狗作为送给法国国王的礼物。 <br />&nbsp; &nbsp; 在1839年,Edwin Landseer爵士画了一副现在很著名的画,名字叫做“尊严和轻率”。在这副画里,有只西高地和它主人的一只猎犬靠在一起躺在一个狗屋里,眼睛望外看着。Landseer爵士是位众所瞻仰的艺术家,所以毫无疑问,这只有点古怪的、黑眼睛的狗是真正的早期的西高地白梗。 <br />&nbsp; &nbsp; 在19世纪,西高地有过很多名称,包括白苏格兰梗(White Scoth)、小匐犬(Little skye)、狮子梗(Cairn,备注Cairn梗是苏格兰的一种狮子狗)、罗兹尼丝(Roseneath)、以及波塔洛克梗(poltalloch terrier)。这些不统一的称呼让人在浏览早期与狗相关的书或出版物的时候产生混淆。 <br />&nbsp; &nbsp; 波塔洛克的Col.E.D.Malcolm对西高地白梗的发展贡献很大。他早期致力于在全国巡回狗展上向公众展示西高地,在他的努力下,一小群西高地狂热者聚集到一起,建立了一个俱乐部。在狗种名字选择上,充分体现出了Col.E.D.Malcolm对这个狗种的热爱已经对其未来发展前途的关心。经过对过去经常使用的名称---罗兹尼丝梗或者波塔洛克梗的讨论,他认为所有苏格兰西海岸白色的更犬都应该包括在这个狗种里面。这是这种无私选择使这个狗种能更加强大和团结。在1904年10月在爱丁堡举行的苏格兰狗场俱乐部狗展上正式有了西高地白梗这个分类。 <br />&nbsp; &nbsp; 这个狗种最先以罗兹尼丝梗的名称出现在美国。并于1906年加入了在纽约的西敏寺狗场俱乐部。直到1909年,狗种的名字才改为西部高地白梗,并且得到了AKC的承认。 <br /><br />&nbsp; &nbsp; 看看英文原文,可知更多。<br /></p><p><img src="attachments/bbsxp/2008-7/200873153942.jpg" border=0 /></p><p><font color=#006400>1920, mom and pups&nbsp;&nbsp;1920年的一副照片,西高地白梗媽媽和兩個bb</font><br />&nbsp;The West Highland White Terrier originated in Scotland where these white dogs were selectively bred from the gene pool that also produced Cairns and Skyes.&nbsp;&nbsp;Some seem to think that the Skye is the oldest of all five breeds (but not as we know it today) and that the West Highland White, or &#39;Westie as he is commonly called, is the Newest of the breed.&nbsp;&nbsp;He was recognized in England by The Kennel Club as a separate breed in 1907, and by the American Kennel Club in 1909.&nbsp;&nbsp;<br /><br />How the Skye Terrier got to Scotland no one knows.&nbsp; &nbsp;Legend is that a Maltese and a Poodle were shipwrecked on the Isle of Skye, around the time the Spanish Armada met its doom.<br /><br />All the terriers from Scotland are their descendants, during Queen Elizabeth&#39;s reign. It is a matter of record that her successor, James I, wrote to Edinburgh to ask that 6 Terriers from Argyllshire be sent to France as a present. Not only that, he also directed they be sent on two or more ships for fear of shipwreck, regarding them as valuable. The name &#39;Sierra&#39; is a Latin word for Terrier, which means earth. These breeds were, in the old days, called "earth dogs" because when chasing Rabbits they burrowed deep into their holes, an expression known to hunters as "going to earth."<br /><br />It is the Malcolm family that is usually credited with originating the &#39;White Cairn&#39; as it was known those days. In 1909 at the Westminster Kennel Club in New York City a West Highland White was shown under the classification of Roseneath Terriers. <br /><br />The small white dog that we know today as the "Westie" actually owes its rise in popularity to a hunting accident.&nbsp;&nbsp;It is said that around the year 1860, Colonel Malcolm was out hunting with his favorite terrier, a reddish-brown dog. While the dog was running through the bush, he was mistaken for a hare and was shot and killed.&nbsp;&nbsp;The Colonel was so grieved by the loss of his dog that he decided to propagate only the whites in his kennel.&nbsp;&nbsp;It took a great many years for the Malcolm family to develop the white strain that we know today. <br /><br />The Crufts dog show in 1907 was the setting for the Westie to make its first appearance as a show dog.&nbsp;&nbsp;Westies came to America when Robert Goelet imported CH Kiltie and Rumpus Glenmohr.&nbsp;&nbsp;From the very first Westie to step on United States soil, these lovable little dogs established their reputation as excellent companions with a built-in propensity to rid their surroundings of vermin.&nbsp;&nbsp;The West Highland White Terrier Club of America was admitted to AKC membership under the name of Roseneath Terrier Club in 1909, and the next year it was changed to its present name.&nbsp;&nbsp;Since about 1960, Westies have regularly gained popularity and today rank in the top third of all AKC registered breeds, second only to the Miniature Schnauzer among the terrier breeds.&nbsp;&nbsp;The Westie enjoys country or city life, but be warned, the Wesitie&#39;s favorite form of exercise is getting dirty. </p><p><img src="http://www.hrbpetbbs.net/attachments/bbsxp/2008-7/200873154040.gif" border=0 /></p><p><font color=#006400>Colonel Malcolm of Poltaloch is said to be one of the earliest breeders <br />of the Westie. This is said to have come about after the accidental <br />shooting of one of his favorite brown terriers while out hunting in <br />the late 19th century.&nbsp;&nbsp;After this hunting accident is it said that he <br />limited his breeding to light or white dogs. <br />Colonel Malcolm of Poltaloch據說是最早培育西高地的人。是因為一次19世紀末的狩獵中,他最喜愛的一只棕色梗犬被誤射殺,之后他就為了避免意外的發生,開始培育這種毛色亮白的小狗</font>&nbsp;&nbsp;。</p><p><img src="http://www.hrbpetbbs.net/attachments/bbsxp/2008-7/20087315427.gif" border=0 /></p><p><font color=#006400>Eleven Westies among the first pure white, Bred by the Malcolm family in the late nineteenth century, Pose for the camera.&nbsp;&nbsp;第一次培育出11只毛色純白的西高地白梗的是19世紀末的Malcolm家族。</font><br /><br /><img src="http://www.hrbpetbbs.net/attachments/bbsxp/2008-7/200873154117.jpg" border=0 /></p><p><font color=#006400>Roseneath or White Scottish Terriers, as some called them- 1899.you can see, the long body and heads are a little different from Westies of today.&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;</font><font color=#333333>西部高地白梗和苏格兰、凯安、短脚长身梗种是同一个祖先,1899年,你可以見到當時的西高地手腳和身都比較長,跟現在的有所不同。</font><br /><img src="http://www.hrbpetbbs.net/attachments/bbsxp/2008-7/20087315435.jpg" border=0 /></p><p><font color=#006400>Miss Gnevive Tobin, the actress, with her Westie called Punch. 演員Miss Gnevive Tobin和她的寵物Punch波子。</font></p><p><img src="http://www.hrbpetbbs.net/attachments/bbsxp/2008-7/200873154338.jpg" border=0 /></p><p><font color=#006400>In 1920, The German breeder Mrs. Binzwanger was showing her dogs in expositions。在1920年,德國培育家Mrs. Binzwanger&nbsp;&nbsp;在展會上show她的4只西高地。</font></p>












发表于 2008-7-3 16:24:42 | 显示全部楼层
<img height=20 src="Images/Emoticons/2.gif" width=20 border=0 />看不懂啊 俺不认识英文
发表于 2008-7-3 16:04:11 | 显示全部楼层
<p>经典! </p><p>&nbsp;&nbsp; 不愧养西高的!</p>
 楼主| 发表于 2008-7-3 16:06:32 | 显示全部楼层
谢谢<img height=50 src="http://www.biaoqing.com/Resource/YangCongTou/17.gif" width=50 border=0 />
发表于 2008-7-3 16:59:28 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2008-7-3 17:02:06 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2008-7-3 16:30:54 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2008-7-3 18:09:14 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2008-7-3 19:04:42 | 显示全部楼层
<img height=20 src="Images/Emoticons/23.gif" width=20 border=0 />
 楼主| 发表于 2008-7-3 21:37:17 | 显示全部楼层
<p><span><blockquote><img border=0 src=images/icon-quote.gif> <b>粉妆新娘:</b><br>你还真是下了功夫研究你家宝贝啊</blockquote></span></p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>呵呵~<img height=20 src="Images/Emoticons/13.gif" width=20 border=0 /></p>
发表于 2008-7-3 16:44:45 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2008-7-3 16:45:58 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2008-7-3 20:07:58 | 显示全部楼层
<img height=20 src="Images/Emoticons/46.gif" width=20 border=0 />
发表于 2008-7-4 00:32:39 | 显示全部楼层
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